There is nothing like a kid about 5 years old with a Disney character. The way I explain it was that we went twice when Whitney was little: When she was in kindergarten, it WAS Cinderella and Minnie Mouse. When she was in the second grade it was still fun, but it was a guy in a mouse suit.
One of the highlights of this trip for all three of us was watching the little kids. Our favorite "adoptee" was an adorable little Snow White we met on our long walk to breakfast with the Princesses Christmas morning at Epcot. This little girl literally danced the whole way there. Although Snow White did not show at the breakfast, we helped her find Snow White after breakfast. It was SO cute and she was so excited (that is her with Snow White). Reminded me of how excited Whitney was to meet Cinderella when she was 5.
The princess dresses were a big thing this trip. Hundreds of little girls walking around dressed as Cinderella, Snow White and Belle. Luckily, that was not the case when Whitney was little, so we avoided that peer pressure and expense.
A big thank you to the kids that helped make this trip fun, and to the parents who allowed us to take the pictures.
The little girl got a Snow White kiss in red lipstick and told her mom that when they went swimming she had to make sure and keep her head out of the water because she couldn't wash off the kiss.
there is nothing like enjoying a place or event through the eyes of a child. Just makes your day doesn't it?
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